ΑΒΑ ΕΡΜΗΣ - Header Section

Official Translations

Official Translations in 45 languages

  • 100+ professional translators translating in their native language
  • Reliable translations
  • Valid results at the best rates
Εικονίδιο Εσωτερικής Σελίδας (Κάτω από τίτλο)

We are the first translation agency in Greece that produced official translations for all documentation that is to be filed with public organisations and agencies, such as degrees, certificates, and other official documents.

The experienced group of our 100+ associates will translate your documents in 45 languages, with accuracy, consistency, and professionalism. Our translators are fully prepared and specialized in their field and translate solely in their native language. In this way, you can rest assured that nothing will get lost in translation.

File your translated documentation without any stress or doubt.

2η Σειρά - Εικόνα Δεξιά
FaLang translation system by Faboba